Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, January 22nd

"This afternoon we did writing rotations and Mrs. Byrd's class will get to go on the computers to type tomorrow." -Divinity

"After we were done with our Cascade Mountain Region on our map, we read chapters 17 and 18 in Discovering Washington.  Then, we got to play math games on the computer." -Matt

"This morning we got to have math rotations.  We learned about factors and multiples for numbers up to 100. We learned that prime numbers only have two factors, 1 and itself.  Composite numbers are where it has more than 2 factors. The number 1 is neither prime nor composite." -Sean

"We worked on our social studies maps.  We did the Cascade Mountain Regions and Western Lowlands Region too." -Kylee

"This morning I got to read with Torri our new book called Trouble River." -Mary

"Today in PE we got to play a game and you pick up a blue card and see what it says.  Then you reach in a bucket and get the piece of paper that matches the bone." -Ella

Homework due Friday
Weekly reports were due Tuesday
PE test is Monday (study guide going home today)
Math sheets on homework packets are required