Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday, January 7th

"Today in social studies, Mrs. Thompson let us play a game.  You had a yellow card with the name of a place in Spokane on it.  Your partner had to try to guess what it was." -Abby

"In music we switched seats and we also got a piece of paper.  People got to read our history of Spokane." -Sean

"We got a new student today and his name is Austin.  We're happy to have him here!" -Carrie

"During reading, we read 'When I Went to the Library' and the girl brought a live snake in the library and the ambulance to carry away the librarian." -Mikaela

"After we read the story, we had to do a power writing about the author's purpose.  We said it was to entertain because it had humor and sarcasm in it." -Matt

"In reading we started a new book called The Kid in the Red Jacket." -Kaydin

"Also in math today we learned something new about doing division.  We were doing area models and arrays." -Kylee

No homework this week
Winter break reading bingo is due tomorrow
Yearbook cover coloring due tomorrow