Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27th

"Today in PE we didn't take the bone test because only 4 or 5 people studied." -Sean

"This afternoon we went to Mrs. Byrd's and we did social studies. We learned about how people got to Washington. It was a very difficult journey.  Many people died and got ill." -Mikaela

"At the beginning of the year 116 fur trappers went out, and at the end of the year only 16 lived." -Ella

"For the project in social studies, we got to make a big map of where they lived and some things we put on it were a big river.  We are also going to put on the fur trappers lodge and we did tipis, trees, and animals." -Kaydin

"Ashlynn and I read Trouble River with Ms. Mary." -Kylee

"This morning we had a lesson with Radical Rick.  We were doing experiments about sound. We learned that sound travels in waves and travels faster through water and steel because they are more dense so the vibrations travel faster." -LJ

"With Radical Rick, one of the stations that I got to do was you put a spoon on a string.  Then you hit the spoon against something hard and then hold the string up to your ears.  I heard church bells because the vibrations traveled up the string." -Mary

Study for the bone test on Wednesday
Weekly reports were due today
Homework due on Friday
Math sheets in homework packets is not optional