Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16th

"Sadly, today was Ms. Danforth's last day, but she is going to visit us and we will miss her so much!" -Ella

"Today we had a going away party at the soccer field for Ms. Danforth." -Austin Hendershott

"We got to eat Otter Pops at the going away party." -Kylee

"I am sad because Ms. Danforth is leaving and I feel like crying." -Austin Hilborn

"This afternoon we had to do a review math packet of decimals." -Sean

"Ms. Danforth played soccer with us during the going away party." -Kyle

"When we were out on the field, Owen Mrs. Thompson's son and Addy Mrs. O'Connell's daughter were there. And I got to hold Owen's hand!" -Abby


"This is Ms. Danforth's last blog." -Torri

-Ms. Danforth is leaving today
-No homework this week
-Weekly Reports due Monday

Thank you for such a memorable and life-changing experience. These past four months have been extraordinary. -Ms. Danforth