Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, December 18th

"This morning in PE we did dodgeball in the dark.  My favorite part was teaming up with my friends." -Kolby

"This afternoon we had Kaydin's birthday and we had cupcakes. He got a whole bunch of stuff from the teachers like pencils, jolly ranchers, suckers, and one of the pencils said Pepsi on it from Mr. Thompson.  It was one of his last ones." -Mikaela

"Today our class made Christmas XXXXXXX (top secret)." -LJ

"Mrs. Mary brought in frosted cookies and read us a funny Christmas story called The Mouse Before Christmas." -Abby

"The resource kids got to make secret Christmas presents." -Torri

"Our class finished Whipping Boy today.  I liked the ending when all the rats got on Hold-Your-Nose Billy and Cutwater." -Sean

"We got to do our math test. I thought it was a little bit challenging." -Divinity

"In PE, Miss Sandy said that this was our last PE day until 2014." -Kaylee

"During dodgeball, Layne, Kaydin, Carrie, Chase and I were in one truce." -Matt

"I finished my yearbook cover and when people were walking by they were just staring at it.  They were really amazed." -Layne

Homework due on Friday
Friday is the last day of school before winter break
School starts January 6th
Craft money was due Monday, $2.50