Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, December 17th

"Today in music we played Capture the Flag and my team won 2 to 1." -Kolby

"This afternoon we made Christmas presents today they were XXXXXXXX. (top secret information)." -Kylee

"We went in the 5th grade halls to listen to the 5th grade colonial speeches. And I learned that the minutemen does some stuff in a minute like find gold coins in a minute." -LJ

"This morning I gave Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. O'Connell a coffee mug and candy." -Mikaela

"At the colonial speeches, the candlemaker had a display of how they make candles.  Candles were expensive because the beeswax and all the other wax that was in it were expensive to get.  The candles that they had were not very smelly except for the beeswax." -Mary

"After we walked through the halls for the 5th grade colonial night, we had to write 10 things that we learned about the 13 colonies." -Chase

"We read more of the Whipping Boy. Jemmy and Prince Brat are in a potato carriage to the fair." -Kenan

"When I walked through the halls for Colonial Night, I was walking around with Mary and Taylor.  We went and saw Jordan and Madison." -Abby

"In math, we did all sorts of review for the test tomorrow." -Ella

"At the Christmas station, I took one of the candy canes out of the basket." -Layne

"In the morning, Mrs. O'Connell had us to an SRI test instead of the journal prompt, but we could do the journal prompt if we got finished with the SRI test." -Kaylee

Homework due Friday
Weekly reports were due Monday
December 20th is the last day of school before winter break
January 6th is the first day back to school
Math test tomorrow!
If you took a tree of sharing ornament, please bring gifts to the office