Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, November 5th

"Today we got to do our journal prompt on the computer which was what we liked about playing in the snow." -Kylee

"This afternoon we got to glue the digestive system on our bodies." -Matt

"Our class had music today and we played the recorders and we listened to a new song for recorders." -Torri

"This morning we did our practice our 5-1 practice and it was working on patterns with multiplication of 10s and 100s." -Mikaela

"Our class got to re-do the answers that we got wrong on our district math test." -Kolby

"Since it snowed today, the 4th grade recorder club didn't happen so we could play in the snow." -Kaitlin

"At recess my friends and I played tetherball." -Mary

"Because of the snow, a lot of the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders helped to make a giant snow castle." -Kaydin

Homework due Friday
Next Monday, no school
Weekly reports were due Monday
If it's snowing tomorrow, bring appropriate clothing
Topic test reteach sheets due Friday
PE test tomorrow