Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21st

"Today we got to go to Mrs. Eckman's class and learn about the digestive system." -Kylee

"Our class had PE today and we played Blob." -Sean

"This morning our writing prompt was 3 highs and 3 lows.  We had to write them starting them with a dependent clause (after, although, as, besides, if, in order, since, unless, until, when, where, whether, while)." -Matt

"We read more in There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom and we read 5 chapters today." -Divinity

"Our I Can statement was 'I can add and subtract in my head'." -Ella

"When we learned about the digestive system, Mrs. Eckman said if you swallow too much gum it is bad for your digestive system because you can't digest it." -Mikaela and Kolby

Homework due on Friday
Weekly reports were due today, please bring in if you haven't already
Box Tops due Oct 25th
Halloween party sign-ups