Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25th

"We did art today with Mrs. Tebbets, we used oil pastels to make pictures like Andy Warhol." ~ Kylee & Mrs. O'Connell

"Today we did science rotations, we talked about what parts of the digestive system you couldn't live without." ~ Sean

"In library today Mrs. Swan read a book called Weird, next week we're going to read a book called Tough." ~ Chase

"In Math, we did a practice page and our entry task was about subtracting over zero." ~ Mikaela

"Our class took the test on the respiratory system." ~ LJ

Weekly Reports due Monday!
Halloween next Thursday...costume parade is in the afternoon.
Minute to Win It! Halloween party next Thursday! Thank you for everyone who has offered to help and brought in supplies for the party!!!
Next Friday, November 1st is a half day!