Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14th

"In Math, we got to create fractions with Sweetheart candies" -Carrie

"At lunch recess, I played tag" -Trey

"This afternoon, we had a Valentine's Party and we got to eat candy from our valentine's" -Divinity

"In Library, we checked out books and did word searches" -Chase

"I got to pass out cookies to the whole class including the teachers" -Mikaela

"When Mrs. Tebbets came for art today we got to make presents with paints and oil pastels" -Kylee

"This morning for an entry task, we wrote on one post-it note one thing we know about fractions and on the other post-it note we wrote one thing we have a question about" -Matt

No School Monday!
Weekly Reports are due Tuesday
Homework due Friday